Editors Choice

Carol Beecroft

Hi! It's been a long time -! I seem to have been so involved with activities related to The So- ciety For The Second Self that many other important things have been neglected. But I final- ly have been able to get help with the activities of the above sorority (Tri-Ess, for short), and I now have time to get this mag- azine out. I will be more prompt for the next issue.

You will notice that although we have a pretty picture of a sis- ter on the front cover, we actual- ly have no cover girl story. That is because no one has sent me anything in the way of a life story (crossdressing) plus pic- tures, so I just went to my files and dug out a pretty picture which happens to be Cathy from illinois. So, for you girls out there who would like to appear on the front cover of Transvestia

as well as having your crossdress- ing story printed inside the maga- zine, please start writing your story NOW! And please send pic- tures that are clear and bright so that they will reproduce well. Black and white pictures are the best. Try to make your story in- teresting and when submitting pictures, include about 7 or 8.

I have new books in stock which are not listed in the gen- eral catalog, namely, SUNDAY BEST and WHAT A DRAG! The author of the first book is Eng-

lish and it is PROFESSION- ALLY written. It's a murder story and sold well in a hardback edition. This soft-bound edition sells for $3.95. The second title that we have (What A Drag) has well over two hundred and fifty pictures of movie people who ap- pear in clothes of the opposite sex. The pictures themselves are professional quality and the book has close to 270 pages. It sells for $10.95.

On top of that, we are publish- ing a number of new titles in the next 45 days - books that you will enjoy. There are also some of the old Nan Gilbert books we are republishing. Some of these titles have terrific crossdressing pictures. If you are interested, why not write to me and ask to be notified of the titles when they come off the press. I should qualify the above reference to "new titles" by saying that a number of old stories appearing in early issues of Transvestia were well done and various peo- ple have suggested that we re- print them in a volume consist- ing of two or three titles. And that is what we are doing. A new book to be published in the next 90 days is a book written by a wife and directed to wives. It is written by a professional person who has the insight of the wo- men's viewpoint. Those who

have read the story in manu- script form say that it is excel- lent. I know that wives and girl- friends will benefit by reading it. We also plan to publish more stories by one of your favorite authors of crossdressing stories DEE RAYMOND - I know that you will be happy to hear that.

So, you can look forward to more interesting reading from Chevalier Publications this com- ing year. And with the help that I now have with Tri-Ess Sorority, Transvestia will come out a lot more often.


On another line, members of the Society For The Second Self (Tri-Ess), recently completed a very successful Holiday En Femme in the city of San Fran- cisco. Four nights and three and a half days were spent "dressed" and I do believe that if it were possible for those who went, to have stayed for a bit longer, that all of them would still be there. We put our male clothing in the closet and became girls until Sun- day morning. Tri-Ess sisters looked their best and although we were "read" many times, NO ONE gave us any problem. We even ate at first class restau- rants, went to a terrific stage show, went shopping, took tours, had seminars and demonstrations and generally were busy little girls. As the time went on, I do believe that our sisters felt more and more comfortable and relax- ed in the feminine gender. We were so happy that a number of us decided that we would have a regional gathering in about six months, perhaps in Vancouver, British Columbia. Then, for next October we will probably be in New Orleans.

These Holidays En Femme are for members of Tri-Ess and we welcome prospective members, heterosexual crossdressers, to join with us in our educational and social programs. If you are interested, drop me a note c/o Chevalier Publications, and ask for a brochure. Please include a 20 cent stamp.
